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Image of researcher videotaping a person using a medical device at home.

Design Research

User-centered design begins with developing a deep understanding of the people who use the product & the environments in which the product is used.

In the early “discovery” phase of a project, we conduct observational research in the natural environment of use (home, car, office, clinic, surgical suite, etc.). This allows us to observe how people actually interact with products and services.

Years of experience has proved that this type of research consistently uncovers hidden, unarticulated needs and behavior patterns that lead to “aha moments” of discovery and specific, actionable insights that help drive the innovation and design process.

"You can observe a lot by watching"

Yogi Berra

We use one or more of the following research methods to help companies design and develop new products:

  • Observational Field Research

  • Contextual Interviews

  • Human Factors Expert Audits / Design Reviews

  • Heuristic Evaluations

  • User Interface Benchmarking — against current & competitive products

  • Task & Use-related Error Analysis — e.g., Perception, Cognition, Action (PCA) analysis

  • Regulatory Compliance Support — for medical devices (FDA Human Factors Guidance, ANSI/AAMI/IEC 62366, etc.)

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